Doing Business in Summit County

Doing business with a government entity can be challenging for businesses and vendors who do not have public sector experience. To help, County Executive Shapiro is pleased to offer the following information and tuturials about vendor registration, contractor permits and small business resources available through the Akron Urban League




IS Logo

MUNIS Vendor Registration

MUNIS is Summit County's new registration portal for businesses providing goods and services. This new platform will streamline operations for both the County and businesses. Click here to learn more and to access the portal. 
The following videos were created to help business owners navigate the MUNIS system. Please contact with questions. 


MUNIS Vendor Registration


MUNIS Vendor Bid Submittal


MUNIS Accounts Payable

Contractor Permits

In Summit County, our Building Standards department is responsible for Commercial plan review and inspection services for 23 jurisdictions and Residential plan review and inspection services for 22 jurisdictions. The videos below will help contractors navigate the permit process through the online CityWorks platform. Visit Building Standard's website for more information abour permits, inspections and registrations. 


Permit Portal Registration


Create a Permit

Akron Urban League

The Akron Urban League offers training, technical assistance, professional consulting, access to capital, and assistance obtaining contract opportunities to help business owners and empower emerging entrepreneurs.